Best Gifts For Guys: A Guide For Birthdays, Christmas And More

Some women — and even some other men — have trouble deciding on the best gifts for guys. Whether it’s a husband, boyfriend, brother or friend at work, it’s often tempting to let an occasion slip by without a gift because it can be so hard to decide what to buy.

The best gifts for guys are things they can use or play with. While they may or may not be practical items, guys don’t usually like to have a lot of stuff around to look at. Instead, they want things that do things and things that they can use to enhance activities they already enjoy doing.

Consider these 5 best gifts for guys the next time you’re stuck:

1. Some great sauces. Guys who grill like barbecue sauces, rubs and hot stuff, in many cases. Guys who don’t cook still like salsa and other sauces they can add to the foods someone else cooks for them. Gourmet olive oils are great too. Guys often like to experiment with flavors, so a gift set of flavorful items will remind him of you every time he has a little, perhaps for months to come.

2. Some of his favorite beverage. A bottle of scotch or gin is a common and almost cliché gift for a guy, but men who drink are sure to enjoy a bottle of either a favorite brand or a premium brand. But don’t limit your thoughts to alcohol. Many guys love specialty-store cream soda in glass bottles or handmade root beer or ginger beer from a local shop. If you know the guy, you’ll know what he likes — or have plenty of time to find out.

3. Stubble trimmer. Most guys would appreciate a better stubble trimmer or beard trimmer than they have. A lot of guys have bought themselves one and don’t use it because they didn’t choose the best stubble trimmer available. Choose a good one for him. Or if he’s always clean-shaven — a rarity these days — get him a high-quality razor and shaving kit. Either way, your gift is sure to be appreciated.

4. A unique game. Whether that’s an unusual game for his favorite old-school console or a board game with lots of little pieces, many guys are into gaming of all sorts, including gaming with real pieces and parts. If know the guy, choose according to your unique knowledge of him. If your knowledge of the guy isn’t very deep, choose something unique, like a wooden desktop game available from Amazon.

5. A great jacket. People give relatives and friends sweaters all the time, but few people give jackets as gifts. Choose something affordable that matches your recipient’s personality. If you can’t afford a leather jacket and he wouldn’t like one anyway, try for a trim, modern jacket from a mall store where he can exchange it. But if you choose well and come close to his size, that won’t be an issue. A jacket doesn’t have to fit perfectly, and he can never have too many.

So what do you think of these ideas? Are they the best gifts for guys you’ve heard about? I hope so.

Choosing the best gifts for guys means considering what you know about the recipient, how much you have in your budget and then choosing with care. If a guy is worth giving a gift, it’s worth getting right.

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