Looking for a solution that can provide you a good night’s sleep in a location where you don’t have a regular bed available? You could turn in for the night inside a sleeping bag or just plop down in a corner with some sheets and a pillow — and that might work for one or two night. But if you want something that’s actually comfortable, maybe you need to order an air bed. But which is the best air bed for the job?
So what kinds of sleep situations would an air bed be best suited for? Wouldn’t one be a good choice when you’ve moved into a new apartment or house and your furniture hasn’t yet arrived? And wouldn’t it be great to have one around in case of an expected guest?
I would like to answer these questions and others by telling you how I selected the best air bed to use during my recent move. It turned out to be so good that it’s found a permanent life in the spare room.
Best Air Bed Review
When I realized a couple of weeks in advance of my move that there would be days or even weeks between when I reached my new home by plane and when my furniture, which was coming via a discount mover, was going to arrive, I knew I had to find a solution. After searching the Internet and reading what others had written, I decided to order a queen-size air Intex Raised Downy Queen Airbed
— available from Amazon.
I had seen a lot of positive reviews on this model, and it was even more comfortable and durable than I was expecting it to be.
It was easy to use and provided a more restful sleep than my old mattress and springs that was trucking its way across the country. And I awoke feeling great the first morning I used it. That was unexpected after a long day or cleaning and arranging.
In fact, I’ve never put it away and am still using it all the time. I never even set up my old bed. It’s still in the garage under some boxes.
I like the fact that air mattresses use standard queen-size sheets that I already had. And the plush top has an indentation to help to hold the sheets on — a nice touch.
This air mattress has two connected chambers and not two separate parts so you don’t have to use two pieces stacked on top of each other. I had tried something like that years ago and it had a tendency to slip and slide.
The two chambers also mean that the top is raised off the floor a good 22 inches, which I found is a very comfortable height. It also made it easy to get up and down off the bed.
This mattress is also very easy to inflate using the built-in pump that fills it up in under five minutes. You can also inflate it to just the amount of firmness you want for a perfect night’s sleep.
Both of these features make it a great mattress for use in a spare bedroom. Just pull it out and in no time at all, you have a nice bed for company. Then when they’re gone, deflate the mattress and store it away. It even comes with a bag for easy storage.
Also, if you have vacation property and need a bed to furnish it, this is a better value than buying a mattress and spring set and a bed frame — items that can be expensive. And with a 600-pound weight capacity, it’s durable enough for every guest you might have.
Some Final Thoughts
If you need an extra bed or need something inexpensive to replace an old, worn or broken down mattress on a temporary or permanent basis, consider a fully adjustable, easy-to-setup and easy-to-maintain air mattress. I’m confident I’ve found the best air mattress available — and the price is right too.
Try the Intex Raised Downy Queen Airbed and see if it might be just the solution you need for keeping you, your family or guests comfortable night after night.
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