What Are The Best Lubricated Eye Drops For Chronic Dry Eye?

If your doctor has told you that you have chronic dry eye or you’ve figured this out on your own, you’re probably trying to decide which brand of lubricated eye drops is best for your situation. Since more people seem to have this condition than ever before, there are more choices on the market than ever before.

Are they all the same? And which is the best value?

I’ve tried several brands, and I can tell you they aren’t all the same. Some of the characteristics you should look for included:
– an affordable price
– a nonsticky texture that doesn’t gum up or blur your vision
– long-lasting results
– no chemicals that can build up in your eyes
– and anything else you find important to you.

For me the very best choice is Blink Tears eye drops. There is a brand called Systane that’s good, but it’s very expensive. There’s no denying that Blink Tears has increased dramatically in price since I started using it, but it’s still cheaper than Systane eye drops.

To be completely honest, however, I sometimes use other things when my budget it is tight. The store brand of artificial tears available at Walmart works okay, but the results aren’t very long-lasting. Target also sells eye drops, but the prices are not within reason for budget-mind shoppers. I’ve never checked at Walgreens, CVS or any other drugstore chains since I don’t normally shop in those kinds of places.

But I can tell you this: for the best combination of value and long-lasting results, there’s no better choice than Blink Tears. It’s the brand my optometrist gave to me as a sample, so it’s the first I tried. And it’s still my favorite choice.

Even better, it has no preservatives that can build up in your eyes over time and cause you problems. So Blink Tears is not just the right choice, it’s a smart choice too.

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