You may not realize it, but lots of people notice how well you trim your sideburns. The only excuse for sideburns that aren’t carefully and precisely cut is if you have a beard. Then and only then is it acceptable to let those sideburns go — and even then they need to be in line with the styling of your beard.
If you watch old movies or TV shows, you may have noticed that some guys had bushy and unruly sideburns in the late 1960s and1970s, but that isn’t in style anymore.
In fact, have you ever noticed in a movie when an actor is so bad at trimming his sideburns that they’re different in every scene, even when it’s supposed to be the same day? If you have, you know how much it can change a guy’s appearance to have messed up sideburns.
The trick to good sideburn trimming is to have a good trimmer and to take your time. You first need to reign in the thickness with a beard trimmer and blend your sideburns into your hair. Then, you need to use a good beard trimmer or special sideburn trimmer to make sure the line across the bottom is perfectly straight. Some people slant it slightly, and that’s okay as long as both sides match and neither side bows in or out in the middle. A curved sideburn line is a sign of rushed and imprecise job — or a bad trimmer.
Carefully trimmed sideburns prove to the world that you:
- care about yourself enough to be well-groomed,
- possess good attention to detail, and
- have a life that isn’t rushed or out of control.
Bad, uneven or overly thick sideburns reveal that you haven’t been to a barber in a while, don’t pay close attention to how you groom yourself and also suggest that you may have a life that’s so busy that you can’t take a few minutes to groom yourself. And that means your life isn’t in your control, a sign of a life that isn’t being well-lived.
Take care of your sideburns and show the world that you’re taking good care of yourself. Sideburn trimming is an art that requires practice, but it’s worth it to learn how to do it right.
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