Get Inexpensive and Even Free Daily Devotionals For Android

Daily devotional messages can improve the quality of your day and your life by allowing you to focus on positive things rather than negative ones. But there are three problems with getting daily devotions on your Android device, and I have solutions for them all.

Here are the three problems and how to solve them:

1. There’s no good daily devotional app. There are some daily devotional apps for Android, but the quality of the messages is often pretty low. Plus, they usually require you to be online to read the messages, and sometimes you need to read your devotion when you’re not connected to the Internet.

2. Devotionals are often too old-fashioned. There are positive and upbeat daily messages available, and those are better for your soul. But you won’t find them on any of those apps. A great solution is to download an ebook reader for free — like Kindle. This gives you many more choices.

3. Devotionals are notoriously badly written. In many cases, the writers seem overly pious and the language is stiff and unnatural. This can be a real turn off. But good devotional messages do exist.

Here’s my solution: start by downloading Kindle for Android. Simply go to Google Play and search for “Kindle”. The app is a larger than I would like and no “lite” version is available, but it has many features that make reading really easy on any kind of screen. A lot of people don’t know that you don’t have to have a special Kindle tablet and can read Kindle books on any device.

Next, download an ebook with great devotions that are fun, easy to read and spiritually uplifting. I like Focus Moments by Preston Tama. This books costs a couple of dollars, but it’s worth it because it has more than 70 messages. There are others available free and for very little money as well.

You can read Kindle downloads offline anytime, and you can reread as many times as you like. This seems better to me than dealing with restrictive apps that don’t serve my needs very well. And once you have the Kindle app, downloading daily devotional books and messages is quick and easy.

Click here to learn more about Focus Moments and other daily devotional books for Kindle from Amazon.

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