5 Tips For Finding Secret Things To Do In Your City

Every city has fun and interesting events that aren’t promoted very well. Using these tips, you can locate them and join the few people who already know about them. It’s amazing how many things are free and open to the public or open at a very low admission price that people don’t know about.

Here are five tips for locating free or inexpensive things to do in your town:

1. Check at colleges. The fine arts and music departments at universities must have public performances as part of their programs. Look for a schedule online or contact a secretary in one of those departments who can put you on the email list. Many universities have symphonies and a calendar of play performances as well as movie screenings and more.

2. Consider libraries. Larger public libraries often present classic films, educational speakers and more. And the complete schedule is usually online. You might be able to enjoy a film with your family, wander through an art gallery or get an autograph from an author. Some libraries even offer a jazz music series.

3. Look for “hidden gems” websites. Some people and organizations maintain special websites about events in their city. Sites may be run by individuals, public television stations or the convention and visitor’s bureau. Ask and look around for these URLs that may not be promoted very well.

4. Follow every civic group on Facebook. As you learn about civic groups and organizations in your area, follow them on Facebook. You’ll get announcements about civic orchestra concerts, impromptu gatherings and more. Groups often publicize each other too. And don’t forget to join these groups’ email lists too.

5. Listen closely. When you’re at an event, join the conversation with others. Ask them about the last event they attended. People are usually happy to share their secrets with you if you engage them in pleasant conversation.

And these are just a few suggestions. Be diligent and you can find the events that the organizers don’t bother to promote very well. Many of them are well worth finding.

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