When choosing a whole house window fan, it’s easy to think that you want the most powerful unit on the market so you can get the best possible results. But you also want a quiet and energy-efficient unit that can run frequently and still save you significant money over central air conditioning while keeping your home completely comfortable.
The currently available model of the Air King 9166 is the best whole house window fan I’ve found. That’s because it comes with an efficient motor that may be slightly less powerful than some older units with this same model number, but it makes up for that in savings on electricity consumption. Since the idea of one of these fans is often to save you money on your cooling bill, it makes sense to choose a product that’s as efficient as possible.
Still, you don’t want to give up on quality or effectiveness to get that energy efficiency.
If you visit a local store looking for whole house window fans, you’ll probably find some less expensive models available, but the fans in most of those are too weak to effectively change out the air in your home. They have small blades and very understated motors that simply aren’t very well-designed for exhausting heat from the rooms of your house.
There are also models with the opposite problem. There are ultra-powerful models on the market that change out air very quickly while generating a lot of noise and using a lot of electricity. And these models are very expensive.
As with any product, you want a good mix of features and must accept some tradeoffs to get everything you want. The Air King 9166 whole house window fan allows you to have everything you want without much sacrifice, and that’s why I like it. Once you get yours, you’ll be as convinced as I am.
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