Indoor-Outdoor Honeywell Portable Evaporative Cooler Is A Serious Machine

When you need cool air in a place where air conditioning ductwork doesn’t reach, you need a portable evaporative cooler. With the right air cooler in place, your outdoor event, warehouse, patio or garage can be cool and comfortable even when the temperature soars.

When I think of air coolers, the first name that comes to mind is Honeywell. And as it happens, the company makes the perfect sturdy portable evaporative cooler for indoor or outdoor use that will serve you well time after time, year after year.

Evaporative coolers get their name, as you may know, from the way they cool the air. They pump water up into a cooling medium then blow air through the wet areas, creating a cool breeze. That’s completely opposite to the way air conditioners with compressors work. Those units remove water from the air, reducing humidity.

Both kinds of units have their place, but portable evaporative coolers work best in areas that aren’t completely enclosed and where people can be cooled from a breeze blowing directly on them.

It’s important to remember that evaporative coolers only perform well when the atmosphere is dry. When it’s already humid and sticky, a compressor air conditioner is be a better idea since removing moisture from the air around you would make you feel cooler in that situation.

With those things in mind, let’s get on with my portable evaporative cooler review.

My Honeywell Portable Evaporative Cooler Review

When you need to cool a large space, you can’t depend on a little home unit. You need the Honeywell CO60PM 125 Pt. Commercial Indoor/Outdoor Portable Evaporative Air Cooler — available from Amazon — to do the job.

This Honeywell united is designed for both indoor and outdoor use and can cool up to 850 square feet of difficult-to-cool space like a restaurant patio, a warehouse, an outdoor pavilion or a hospitality tent. Since the unit is on casters, it’s easy to move it from one event to the next in minutes.

If you plan to use it inside, you’ll need to place it near a window or open door. If there’s no convenient opening in the space you want to cool, you might should consider a compressor air conditioner (which will still require at least a small opening for venting).

With both oscillating louvers and horizontal louvers to direct the vertical air flow, you get the best control possible over where the air comes out. That’s important because people like to stand in front in these units to cool off, and that makes properly directing the airflow essential.

From everything I’ve seen and from my own experiences, I’m confident that this portable evaporative cooler is one of the best of its kind.

I especially like the simple, mechanical control panel. An electronic control panel would likely fail sooner than a mechanical one and be harder to repair, limiting the life of the unit. The control is also very easy to use. Just set it and walk away.

As a bonus, it’s nice that air coolers like this one are more energy efficient than compressor air conditioners.

The uses for this unit are really almost unlimited. While it’s not the right choice for a small living room or bedroom, it’s great at home for use in a garage with no ductwork or out by the pool. It works well in a storage shed or workshop too.

At the office, it can keep a warehouse area cool more efficiently than an air conditioner. At an outdoor event, it can provide welcome moments of relief on even the hottest days.

Final Remarks

A portable evaporative cooler is the right choice for providing a cooling breeze in just about any area that’s hard to cool otherwise. The Honeywell Portable Evaporative Air Cooler is intended for outdoor and commercial use and serves a variety of purposes around the house too.

It’s a serious machine that puts out some serious air.

Click here to visit Amazon now and see their affordable price for this powerful indoor-outdoor portable evaporative cooler.

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