There are two different kinds of shaving oil available, but they’re really the same thing. One is the kind that you apply before applying your regular shaving cream to help soften your beard and condition your skin. The other is something you use instead of shaving cream.
But there’s no difference in the products, just in how they’re marketed.
The best shaving oil I’ve found is a nice unscented product that can be used with or without shaving cream and with whatever kind of shaving device you use — whether that’s a simple disposable razor, the fanciest multi-blade razor or an old-fashioned straight razor. It’s simply a good all-around product that can permanently change your shaving routine for the better.
You see, creams and soaps can be very drying, but shaving oil is moisturizing and conditioning. Plus, you can see what you’re doing when you use shaving oil. With a clear oil instead of a foamy cream, you can cut clean sideburns and outline a beard, goatee or mustache better than ever — and without a separate trimmer.
Wondering what shaving oil I recommend? Here are the details.
Best Shaving Oil Review
Because I have very sensitive skin and because I’m sensitive to heavy smells, too, the best shaving oil for me is an effective and unscented one I ordered online. The Art of Shaving Unscented Pre-Shave Oil
— available from Amazon — does just as good a job preparing me for a shave as the ones with more chemicals and artificial scents but it doesn’t leave me smelling like perfume. If I want to wear cologne, I’ll put on the one I choose. (If you think you’d like a scented shaving experience, the same shaving oil is available in sandalwood, lavender and lemon fragrances.)
I’ve used this oil with regular safety razors and my straight razor and get consistently good results.
The primary ingredients in this product are natural oils that have been used for skincare and lubrication for decades — centuries, I guess: castor oil and olive oil. These oils have natural anti-inflammatory properties that cut down on bumps and help prevent ingrown hairs too. It’s no exaggeration to say that this shave oil has changed the way I shave — when I do. I also enjoy having a beard some of the time and I even sport designer stubble sometimes too.
Not surprisingly, The Art of Shaving recommends using a shaving cream along with this product, but remember that they sell shaving cream! They’re just trying to get you to buy something else. I find when I use this product alone, I get a closer shave than with the addition of shaving cream — and I can see what I’m doing. That’s a major plus.
Another benefit of using shaving oil instead of cream is in cleaning your razor. While cream can clog some types of razors, oil doesn’t do that as much. And you can soak your razor in a little rubbing alcohol periodically to remove oil residue and any shaving debris that’s built up. Then you’re good to go. That means you can use your razor much longer than if you use other products, saving you money.
I’ve tried other brands, I and I won’t lie: there are some other good brands too. I recommended another shave oil in another article, and I stand by that recommendation, but this is my current favorite. Why not give this product from The Art of Shaving a try before you try anything else?
A Few More Thoughts
I know that big beards and carefully groomed stubble are both in right now, and that’s fine with me. I don’t always like to have the same look or feel, so I have a beard or stubble sometimes. But when I shave, I do it with shaving oil. It’s a sensible alternative to other products and contains fewer chemicals than the other alternatives too.
If you want a new shaving experience that will very literally change the way you take care of your daily grooming, try shaving oil. The best shaving oil for you just might be the one I’ve been talking about in this article. Click here to learn more about this shaving oil on Amazon.
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